So I started blogging awhile back but I guess I didn't have the amazing blogging skills as my mom and older sisters so it is lost in this vast amazing vortex of information we call the internet. So I'll briefly explain the my life and how it is and then I'll start with the matters at hand that I was originally going to explain. I'm a 6'5 giant the one thing that baffles the mind of society is when they ask me if I'm good at basketball and I say "no I suck at basketball and I somewhat Megaloath (Scrubs Reference) it" why I don't like basketball is another story that I may or may not explain in a later blog. I have an amazing family, a big amazing family, 2 older sisters one of which is graduating soon with a masters in Environmental something I can't remember what it was but its something really smart, the other sister is married and has two amazing kids Tyler and little talkative baby who's name I refuse to spell because I can never spell it correctly so we will call her baby A. She is also married to a pretty awesome guy Neil, he does and knows everything. Oh and Becka is the one getting a masters in genius and Liz is the one with the 2 amazing kids and the awesome husband. I also have 1 younger brother Ryan who has amazed me by coming out of his video game shell and playing with actual friends, something that some of my friends have failed to do, and with the 1 younger brother I have 2 younger sisters Alex and Courtney, who are your typical little sisters, I believe all younger siblings have this superb ability to hack into our minds and find the one thing that gets on our nerves and then they constantly use it but make it seem like they are innocent. But I still love them. I work two jobs one of which I love more than any other job I have ever had which is I work with the Salt Lake City School District as a Group leader where I get to interact with kids Job Description: I get paid 9.50 an hour to have recess and then make cool crafts. My second job is working at a portrait studio which I have grown to appreciate it but not as much as my other job. I go to school at the University of Utah I decided after a year of bleeding purple that purple isn't a manly color so I changed and broke the generations of Downard Weber Graduates. I'm majoring in Mechanical Engineering right now I've been known to change my major out of no where. I have amazing friends who I sometimes question there decision making which is my next topic of discussion.
Almost a week ago I was planned to leave Utah and head to California with my "friends" I put it in quotes because a few of these friends I really only knew threw the internet, sadly at one point in my life I was an internet gaming addict, I still play games but not as much. Anyways the other friend that was going I've known most of my life and have become really good friends with him. (during this discussion I will not disclose names, so I will start making nicknames up for them) My good friend bob met the friends I knew threw the internet and later became more acquainted with them than me which is no problem, I had a life I needed to fulfill school and work always there to help me. So threw the years I talked with them every once and awhile but not till about a year ago we started to talk alot more. Well my friend bob told me he wanted to do something fun for his senior summer and I agreed that I would tag along so he wasn't out there alone. We came up with a ton of ideas some I liked some I didn't one thing was for sure I didn't have a ton of money to spend school had been depleting my money like a ford f150 on unleaded fuel. So summer had begun and bob had graduated, bob wanted to do a road trip which was fine I would do that, but we later changed plans because of vehicle problems and switch to going to "SAN FRANSISCO" or so I thought. I find out that we are going with the friends we met over the internet which is fine by me they were both girls and I wasn't afraid of getting robbed so I began to talk to my friend Bobbina and Felicity and Felicity lives in Cali so I thought room and board was gonna be paid for, I come to find out that she live 4 hours away from San Fran and that we are staying there which puts me in an unpleasant mood. So I come up with the grand idea to stay in San Fran and we all will pay for a hotel, well they are all ordinary people in an ordinary world and don't want to have fun in San Fran they want to have fun in a regular old town with regular old people. So I plan to stay by myself and find out that its not a fun experience to find hotels the night before your flight leaves and end up not going and saving my flight money for another fun vacation, Europe, Australia or Hawaii. So I'am enjoying life here instead of paying 165 dollars to enjoy life the same exact way in California. The other part of the story is a couple of months ago I found out that Bob and Bobbina fell in love over the world wide web which is common the uncommon part is Bobbina is married to another guy who she believes has "changed" because of the Iraqi war, but that doesn't seem right to leave him for a 18 year old boy who you only know through pictures and talking over the internet, bobbina now plans to leave Copper and live her parents in the east and have a long distance relationship with bob which just makes me sad for them, I am an optimist but when I look at this alls I see is broken hearts in the end, I hope it works out but I'm not expecting anything amazing. Also my friend bob seems to be having problems lately to he has become detached from the world and addicted to video games and chatting, he hangs out with me and my friend John every once and awhile but other than that we are just people he knows and now I hear he's going to join the Air Force where he will have them pay for college and his house, but I the thing that changed bobbina's husband was the Iraqi war, it only makes me think that history will repeat its self if this war keeps going there is no escaping it for him. Plus I don't know how well he will cope with the constant moving that he will be forced to do. I hope everything turns out for the best in the end and that life goes on happily but you never know in this world.
Good decision making skills. We will get you somewhere truly fun...wait, you live with us and we are truly fun...bonus! Mommy loves you :)
That was quite a sordid tale. I'm super glad you did spend an ordinary time in a regular town, we can go to SF as soon as I cobble together some cash. I'll show you how awesome it can be. In the mean time, don't do drugs. That's all. (Also, maybe we should bond over "Pineapple Express", it has made me want to jump in dumpsters every time I see one.)
Scott...SO HELP ME! (can't wait to see your "TAN"!) I haven't had any ninja moments for a while, I had better stop by and see you guys soon!
I'm so glad you blog. Do it more. In fact, I request a Bear Naked Lake blog. Becka said you did a fun thing on facebook, but that does me no good.
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