11,749 ft altitude, estimated 14 Mi. round trip, amazing view and various sorts of terrain to view and hike. That is Timpanogos in a nutshell. This was my 4th try at hiking Timpanogos the other 3 times were failed attempts because we were snowed out, and almost was injured on most of the tries. The one problem I knew I would face with this hike was that this was my first hike this summer, plus I hadn't been working out this summer very much so my legs were not fully prepared and with a crappy pair of hiking shoes my feet and legs were in pain half way up all the way down and continuing to hurt. Timpanogos was one of the longest hikes I've done time wise and length wise, but it all paid off with the amazing views from everywhere we were. Beautiful lake, variety of colors, giant rock formations, and much much more I took load of pictures wishing I had a better camera to take with. Timpanogos is a good hike whether you make it to the top or not. On the down side it has become a popular hike so when we got to the top there were loads of people I was actually surprised at the amount of people who made it to the top, and a park

ranger who was also my botany teacher told us every weekend they are towing cars away because they get lazy and park in illegal parking places. When you get to the top you can either go down the same way you came up which is like climbing through the gates of Mordor,

there were parts I felt like I was going to roll to my death, but I didn't because I'm still here, or you can take the full loop and head south which is a much easier route to take going down, especially riding the glacier on you but like your going down on a sled. Taking the full loop brings you to a small but very beautiful lake called Emerald Lake and I think it is named that because of the color it is. It of course is a glacier fed lake and we used a water filter to refill our containers which and it was cold and good, while we sat and enjoyed the amazing landscape there were other hikers taking a swim in the freezing cold lake. Now if you are a

one for camping you can hike in with your gear set up camp in certain places and then rest eat up wake up and hike the rest of the way up and there are some great places to camp some with lots of trees for shade others with open area and beautiful views. This hike was by far one of my top 5 hikes that I've done and makes me want to hike much much more of

Utah's giant mountains. Timpanogos is a hike I don't recommend you take little kids on unless those kids are in tip top shape, it is long and it is steep at times but in the end it pays off. If you go on this hike I do recommend that you bring Cardboard/Jacket of somesort(if your going down the glacier its nice to have a makeshift sled). Snacks: Trail mix some sandwiches, granola bars, lots of water and liquids, a water filter just in case you run out of water, toilet paper for when nature unexpectedly calls, a camera to capture and epic landscape, good pair of tennis shoes, sunblock, first aid kit for blisters and cuts, a G.P.S just for fun so you can see how high you are and how long you've walked, money to pay to get in, and a pair of swimming trunks if you want to go swimming in the cold lake. We also had to park far out from the original parking lot, but we got lucky and hitched a ride down to the base of the hike and back up to the parking lot, so if your lucky someone will be nice and give you a ride. There is also remnants of a Air Force B-52 bomber there, and they say Timpanogos looks like a lady reclining I kind of saw it you might be able to see it better. People in pictures and who went on the hike with me: Becka, Austin, and My father Brian. I will post a slide show of all the pictures we took so you can see how amazing this hike was. I wouldn't suggest taking a date on this hike unless your date likes hiking or the outdoors this is more for people who are used to it and not scared of heights.
i am so proud of all of you. not only did you accomplish a great thing but you also helped dad achieve a great goal of his. looks like scary good times. i don't know if i appreciate that some of the pictures you took were designed to scare me. since i know you are afraid of heights too, good job conquering your fears. have a super duper first day of school.
I have always wanted to hike Timp, but I am not in good shape anymore. I have hiked the mountain just to the south of Timp, which is the Big Cascade mountain. That one is a good hike, but not as steep and rocky (If I remember right, it has been over 20 years ago!) Way to go!
I'm so glad you were able to come with us, it was way fun. I think we should go in search of glaciers to butt slide down, because that was probably the funnest.
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