So I laid in bed last night thinking to myself about stuff, and thats when it hit me, I needed to explain delta force rescue squad to the world so they knew it existed. Delta Force Rescue Squad (DF) was a program created by a secret agency back in July of 2008. This squad is an elite group of Assassins that spent some hours in Life saving classes.

Right now the squad is little but both of the members were top in their classes. When DF was created they creators knew the risks one of which was having arch Nemesis's (don't know the plural word for it) . Right now Yams and Minivans are their biggest enemies. Both of these came on the list for very good reason yams are gross and disgusting and minivans are dangerous on the road. DF is an amazing squad that has saved many lives before like the Water Trampoline Massacre at bear lake they saved many drowning people that day and they stop at nothing to save you. DF takes our job seriously and if you ever need some one to rescue you, their phone number is 783-5837. I will explain more of DF's rules, history, and rivals when I get more information.
I will get a job at taco bell when you can pee on command! I cannot support Delta Force because I love Yams...yummy yams...yammy yams...sweet tasty lovely yams. You arch nemesis' should be olives and cats. You love me and you know it! Besides, no one should have to buy anyone's love with tacos, that just seems wrong to me.
I love it! Now we (oops, I mean they) have an official logo we're an official squad! What our weapons in the fight against yams and minivans? I normally fight minivans with Gus, does Cletus/Britney do well against mini-vans?
I'm with mom, yams aren't the bad guy. Pick something like fish. Think about it. YAMS! You put brown sugar (and sometimes marshmellows) and they are called candied yams. Candy! Candy is never the bad guy.
I support the minivan thing though. I'm avoiding it as best as I can, but the Dodge Caravan is kind of cool. It comes with a table and you can turn the seats to face each other and play games. I think if Mom and Dad had had that when we had a Dodge that would be sweet.
Being able to put marshmallows on yams does not exonerate them from being an arch nemesis. I could put marshmallows on a cat and I would still dislike them.
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