I have decided to blog on the things that I find irritating that people do in this world we live in today. A few of them I used to do and I know people who do this but I don't say anything because I know it's kind of a hard habit to break. 1. Talking on the phone while at the check-out line in a store, its not only a pain for the cashier but it slows the line down because you only have one good working hand to load onto the counter; and since I've been a cashier before and this happened to me multiple times I began to dislike it more and more, especially when they interrupt you the cashier and tell you to wait till they are off the phone, either you tell them you'll call them back or put them on hold. 2. Telling someone how to do their job when you have never even done the job they are doing before if you have a complaint about they way they do thing, explain the problem you have don't explain it then tell them how to do it right if you never have done it before "let the professionals do their job" 3. I know lots of people do this, even in my own family its hard for me to talk to them while they do it but chewing with your mouth open I used to do it but from years of being criticized on the way I eat I finally broke the habit, I won't tell them to stop its just hard for me to talk to them mainly because of the sound. 4. Talking on the phone while using the restroom, if you washing your hands its okay but, if you are going to the bathroom please, please tell them you'll call them back I know from experience using the phone and peeing will not end well, plus if the person on the other line hears that or you tell them it just kills the conversation alls you can think about is what the other person is doing on the other end. 5. This one happened recently and I'm pretty sure it doesn't happen commonly and it's kind of an awkward one but forcing your friend to tag along with you everywhere you go especially making them drive, or using his house to hang out and then trying to tell them how he need to live his life or just plain out telling him that he doesn't have a life. 6 This one I'm not really bothered too much by but apologizing way way too much once or twice is enough not every two seconds.
I also am peeved by the bathroom/phone talking type of multitasking. I don't even like people talking to me through the door or stall whilst I'm busy. Bathroom time is my alone time.
Also, I've decided I hate mini-vans, I've declared a fatwa against them, cut them off whenever possible.
Stuff that bothers me:
People who say they are sorry when they aren't.
Passive aggressive people who make rude comments around you but not to you, intended to make you feel bad. Like telling the person next to you that they hate purple when that is what you are wearing.
People who drive around the block
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