So I'll start off the blog by telling you happy things that have happened so you know that I'm somewhat of a happy person. I got a 92 on my math test (yay me!). I got an awesome laptop, I went to the open house of the draper temple which was pretty awesome. I'm going X-country skiing. I got money. I get a letter back from my missionary friend Malcolm (yes I finally got off my butt and sent the letter). I'm pretty sure theres more but I can't think of it off the top of my head.
Anyways, on to other news. So the other day I was heading home and decided to pick up some literature to read, USA Today, Daily Chronicle, and a Prop 8 article that for some reason I felt like I should read it. So I start off with the article because it was short but even though it was short it packed a lot of punch into it. The whole article was about how the LDS church is to blame for Gay marriages not going through which I can see somewhat. Yes we funded support to ban gay marrigaes but we weren't the only ones doing it. There was support from all other churches. But thats not the real thing that bugged me, the fact that they want to try and build an economic wall around Utah is absurd and pretty much impossible and as much as I know that it is impossible it still bugs me that they would come up with such an idiotic plan. To try and tell a tourist not to come to utah because the population is mainly people who don't like gay marriages is like telling your friends not to go to school because the people there don't like your shoes. Toursist don't really care too much about the people they care about the scenery, if they cared so much about the people when they traveled there wouldn't be alot of people. Everywhere you go people are mean to you. Its a very childish passive aggressive move on there part.
Okay so that is rant numero uno. Numero dos is again about people, mainly stupid parents and how they raise their children again. (Not any parents I know really, you may know some yourself but I only hear about them) Parents who are very over protective/anal about their kids drive me to the point that I want to slap them because they don't know what they are doing to their childs future. Parents who decide to cling on to the child after 18 like and treat the kid like they are still 12 is stupid. Blocking what they do monitoring their stuff such as email and facebook/myspace still setting cerfews for them, basically running the kids life after the reached freedom is just going to make them worse. It seems to me that it puts them into a controlling state where they must be in control of everything that happens whether someone has already got it under control or not, and to some that bugs them. It makes the person a pest to be around. So once your kid turns 18 give them freedom, sure check up on them and see how they are doing and if they are still living with you set some ground rules but don't turn them into prisoners. I just thought that I should add a little something that Stephanie told me while I was talking to her, she told me that you also have to remember that its not only the parents fault for being so overprotective there are kids out there that are very hard to trust when they are not being watched, lack of communication loses trust as well. So in conclusion of this rant its not only the parents who need to back off but also the kids who need to build trust and keep it with their parents or else they will not go far in life, if you can build trust with your own family most likely you won't be able to build trust with anyone.
Okay onto bright subjects. So I was stumbling on websites a few weeks ago and I came across a website about the Buddhist religion. I have always been fascinated with the Buddhist religion, cause they believe that you should live your life don't here clean and humble, but you're not aiming for salvation in a higher place, unlike the Christians who believe you live you life and everything you do affects whether you get into heaven or not. Don't get me wrong, I'm Christian and I believe in trying to get into heaven but I look at some people and they seem to not really enjoy life because everything they do has a bad consequence. Here are some of the things that the Buddhist religion believe.
Four Noble Truths.
- Suffering Exsists
- Suffering arises from attachment to desires
- Suffering ceases when attachment from desires ceases
- Freedom from suffering is possible from practicing the eight fold path
- Wisdom
- Morality
- Meditation
Last I would like to talk about my friend Vince some of you know that he just left for basic training and won't be done til about April, he has been my best friend since 5th grade, he was the only one who never really fought with the rest of our friends all the time. Also he was the only one over the summer that I could really talk to about things that were on my mind. It was always fun to grab a couple of bikes and just bike around davis county talking about life. I plan to go see him graduate and am exci
I'm glad you stumbled on Buddhism, I think the tenets of Buddhism are just the basics of living a good life and should be integrated into schools. I just took my best religion book home, but if you want to read up more on Eastern religions I'll bring it back, and you should find a copy of the "Dao De Jing" (there's one in the carport), it will really enlighten you (its Taoist, which isn't Buddhism, but still cool).
I also have issues with overprotective parents. When I have kids, I'm going to strap a helmet on them as soon as they can walk and push them out the door to find entertainment, then just make they have 3 meals a day. It seems like a good plan. No leashes, no tracking beacons. Getting lost and scraping up your knees is part of growing up.
hmmm, maybe I should set a curfew for you, and make you give me all your passwords, and account for all the time you are gone, and do chores, and and Guess your rant isn't about YOUR parents!
I like your thoughts about Buddhism. I think that any philosophy which is easily integrated into your existing belief system and makes you a better person is a great idea. Certainly it is a good idea to back away from all our worldly concerns, that's not what it's all about.
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