So I know I have not blogged in a while but a couple weeks ago I was going to blog about the stupid types of people in this world that I have been so lucky to see, but I never go around to it. And as most of you know I went on a road trip this past weekend down to St. George to try one of the best hamburgers In n' Out, mmmm worth the trip. But on the way I decided to take the wheel for my friend Taylor because she was going to kill us if she kept driving (if you ever drive with this girl you are going to want to be very careful).. so while I was driving I was lucky enough to be the one who got a ticket for going 93 in a 75 (just my luck). So now I'm going to do 2 blogs in 1 starting with the bad luck I have been getting and ending with the people that bug me in this world.
The reason I'm someone angry about the ticket is because it always happens to me and it always happens at the wrong time right when I'm saving up for something I get my money taken away for some stupid reason, and not only that everyone around me seems not be getting a ticket when they drive 30 40 miles over the limit, and break every driving rule in the book. I only speed and because of my first ticket I obey all the other rules. So now the paycheck I got has just vanished because I was going 15 over I have to pay $107, I also think that it is unfair that police seem to target the younger ones I don't know if its so the younger kids learn at a younger age and don't do it again (which I don't think works because people speed at all ages and it seems to mainly be the middle aged who speed because they are "late" for work) or they had a bullied childhood and are now getting back at those who look like the bullies but its just my luck that after 1 year of being ticket free I get another one, plus all the things that happened between then and now.
Now on to the people in this world that suck. Parents who believe in never saying "no" to their child it just makes them grow to be jerks that everyone hates and when someone says no they freak out and don't know how to handle it face it people the word No is used a lot nowadays and there is nothing we can do about it. Also parents who don't believe in punishment if you say no to a kid but that is all you say and don't enforce a punishment the kids never going to understand rules and will end up in jail for doing something stupid. I work with kids all the time with my job and its hard to do anything because we can't really be a parent to the kids without getting in trouble by the district so when I punish a kid for doing something wrong he/she falls to the ground and starts to cry (usual thing of kids) but then expects me to come over and say sorry and try and work things out (at this point when I was kid, my father either told me to grow up or he just left and waited til I was done) and that is what I usually do but then the parents come and basically override what I just tried to teach them and tells them if you cry you get anything you want just cry til someone who cares notices (if that makes sense). I'm now realizing that this may seem jumbled because I keep saving this blog and doing homework and then starting again at a later time like right now I'm sitting in my physiology class waiting for the instructor to show up. Anyway back to people another thing that bugs me is relationships where no one talks it just quiet all the time, for example I'm always early in the morning for math so I sit in the lunch hall and do homework and there is always a couple there that I see that walk over to a table sit down don't even say a word to each other and start reading their newspapers I don't mind the newspaper reading too much but when no one speaks I kind of go crazy.
Also people who where blue tooth at all times even indoors while talking to other people bugs me in the car yes in a office by yourself yes in a kitchen with family no its kinda rude when someone does that to me and you look like a dork.
People who confess there love over there status in Facebook and yes I have friends who do it and I don't hate them it just bugs me sure you let people know that you love them but you don't need everyone in your network know that you love someone by status and it makes it worse when they use poetic language and stuff like that ex. I love more than a star burns in the night sky and stuff like that. Yes I'm cheesy like that but only with Stephanie when no one is around because cheesyness bugs her and it somewhat bugs me but we both enjoy it.
People who ask you to be quiet or leave because they are studying in a "very public place" where there are no signs that say quiet please and you're not being annoying loud your using your inside voice which is normal but it still bugs them. Get over it people you decided to sit in a public area and do you study get used to noise or find another place to study. That is all I can think of right now and yes it makes me feel like a jerk to other people but I just thought I would rant to everyone about the types of people I dislike. I plan to blog more now that I have a laptop everywhere I go. Peace Out.
Salsa Tatemada (Fire-Roasted Salsa)
3 days ago
Sorry about your ticket. Life's unfair (but really, what else do the cops have to do around Beaver but pull people over).
Onto the people that bug you, you're right about parents who fail to discipline their kids, they tend to exhibit anti-social behaviors later in life because they never learned to respect other people's feelings (for more on that check out this article from the Times: Then check out this article of the real effects of crying:
I also hate the bluetooth thing, its confusing and pretensious. Unless you're driving or changing a diaper, why not just hold your phone to your ear like everyone else? Or just talk less? I hate Facebook declarations of love too, but I really love seeing the demise of relationships and the subsequent passive-aggressive status updates that pass back and forth when that love dies out. It makes me happy, but it might be because I have no soul.
Scott, Go to your happy place! That is an it now! I can agree with you about most of your rants. You do children no favors by pandering to them, they need to learn sometime that no one really cares. Ditto on the facebook declarations, to them a say, "get a life, a real life life". I hate it when people use bluetooth's in public because you can't tell if they are talking to you, or talking on their phone, or just crazy.
I really am sorry you got a ticket, but I don't think you were singled out. It might not seem fair, but it probably is. Be patient and drive the speed limit. It may take longer to get where you are going, but you will be safer and save gas!
Love you, Mommy
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