So I'm planning on doing a few blogs about happy things. Things that bring joy to my life, and I'm done ranting for now. So I was sitting in Burger King eating my delicious burger thinking about how hard life is and then it hit me to blog about things that bring joy because then I'll be filled with joy. So I am going to blog about Hugs. So I thought I would begin it by giving the definition of hugs which is
1. To clasp or hold closely, especially in the arms, as in affection; embrace.
2. To hold steadfastly to; cherish: He still hugs his outmoded beliefs.
3. To stay close to: a sailboat hugging the shore.
Of course I'm going to talk about the first definition. Which in my head is almost the same definition to embrace someone closely as in affection very key words in it
. There is only one thing better than a hug and that is a kiss but I have only accepted kisses from one person of the same gender as me and that is my nephew Tyler (who has only given me one kiss ever since he learned). I accept hugs from everyone. Because in my mind hugs warm the heart and body, they let the person know that everything will be alright in the end, and that for the brief moment that you are hugging that nothing else matters, and that even if other people hate you at that place and time, there is still someone who cares for you. When I receive a hug from my nephew Tyler I could care less whether the world around me is falling down, I have someone to hold in my arms and that person cared enough to come over and give me a hug. This goes for everyone else who has given me a hug I don't care if I'm down on my luck and life sucks you have put me in a whole other world where life is not judged by you wealth or you fame but how much you love other people. And yes sometimes it does not seem like that but inside I am feeling that. That one famous saying pictures are worth 1000 words well you can also put that as a hug is worth 1000 words, you don't
have to say anything when you hug someone, a hug could me "I love you", "Your awesome", "You complete me" "Forget the world you've got friends" "I respect your friendship" "everything is going to be alright" and much much more. Hug at least one person a day it lets them know that you care.
Of course I'm going to talk about the first definition. Which in my head is almost the same definition to embrace someone closely as in affection very key words in it

here is your cyber hug...I'm glad you are concentrating on happy things. Hugs are a great place to start. Come upstairs and I'll give you a real hug. Smile and be happy, I like you that way. Love you. my word verification is sertr, I think that means "hugs are a sertr way of warming your heart. Mommy
Ah, I love Tyler hugs too. Another fun hug tid-bit: Vince Vaughn's "Awkward-Butt-Out-Hug" rant in "Wedding Crashers." You should find a picture of that.
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