As I sit on the train in my lonely seat with no table because for some reason teddy bears from build-a-bear are more important than me. I think of the one question that always
confudles my mind and that is "What if". What if instead of vanilla i got chocolate? What if I said no instead of yes to the waiter? What if I decided to hug everyone instead of say hi? What I was there to stop it? This question will always bug me just because there are so many possibilities that can happen instead of just one simple answer. And yet I ask myself this question a lot some of the times I don't worry about the answer other times it sit and ponder all the possibilities that could have happened. What instead of turning left at the light I turned right, and how could this change my future who would I have met if I turned left and what would I have discovered? What if I decided that top hats were a must for my fashion? Then thinking of the what if makes me think of the past present and future. Which then brings up my next
confudleing question that probably will never be answered which is what if something so small was changed in the past, how big of a change would it bring to the whole world and its
existence, I then look back and see how little things could have changed the future, If someone said hi to the man with the fully automatic weapon planning to kill everyone. If someone did a small act of kindness for an old man who only could be defined as a jerk to everyone, if the president during the cold war said one wrong word. If instead of praying in the woods the 14-year old boy decided to go play with friends. All questions that make me wonder. Anyways
that's my deep thought that I thought everyone should know. Love you all.