So I'm downloading the first season of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, so it was bound to happen that I would think back to the old days when I was a kid and all the things that I used to do with or without my friends. Plus all the music that I listened to back then, and when I think about the music that I listened to when I was a kid I notice a huge change in taste of music from then to now.
Some of the things I enjoy watching when I was a kid were:
- Animaniacs (I don't think I spelled that right)
- Pokemon (just for a bit)
- Power Rangers (just the old ones)
There was not a lot of shows I watched unlike most kids I only had the local channels which I'm thankful for because most kids spent their childhood watching television. Some of the toys, cards and other things I loved playing with were.
- Pogs
- Pokemon Cards(got boring fast and turned into scamming the younger kids for money)
- Magic Card(realized that it took away a ton of my money so I stopped)
- Yo Yo's
- Lego's (these are the shiz)
- BB guns
- Game boy color
- The old school nintendo(Mario, and battle toads were the best)
- Trampolines(playing 1,2,3 bounce, or crack the egg)
- Night Games
- Burning little sisters stuff
- Scooters(Yeah I was in a Scooter gang, brothers for life)
- Bunk beds
- Tickle monster
- Neopets
- Maple Story (biggest mistake of my life)
- Sledding(which is still the shiz)
This is just some of the things that I enjoyed as a kid, when Money, Education, a Job was not a worry and when picking on the girls you liked was a way to show them that you liked them. I encourage you all to look back at the old days and think of all the fun you had.