Yeah I know what your thinking, this picture looks depressing no smile, but for some reason I like this one but that's just cause I'm weird. Alright so I know that I haven't blogged in awhile so I thought I would update you a little and tell you about my amazing week, even though I was stressing the whole week about tests I think I did okay not grade A material but maybe grade C material. My week started off looking like a week in hell but as you'll read I had a blasty blast the whole week.
Monday started off just a normal day went to Spanish, had a 1 on 1 session with my Professor which was kind of her to take time to help me and it did somewhat. I still have a hard time learning Spanish but it's easier taking tests now. Then biology and math were normal, I did get my test back from math and all I can say is I need to get my butt in gear which I am it was just the last chapter I was struggling with, this chapter is much easier. Oka

y so I'm not going to go day by day because I don't want you to fall asleep reading this. So Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday I had exams which I think I did okay on.
So after my Spanish test on Wednesday, I got to hang out with my sexy girlfriend Stephanie (yes its true scott is dating and there is someone out there besides his family t

hat can somewhat stand his dorkyness) where we went down to the gateway and went shopping! And if you have ever went shopping with me I'm a picky person when it comes to choosing clothing but with her it made it easy cause I had an opinion. In the pictures I posted you can see that we both have sexy new coats and somewhat matching comfy shoes just different colors. That was one of the awesome adventures I had this week.
Thursday while taking my biology test the power went out for a bit and we had to keep moving around from the lobby to the class and it kind of distracted me

and in the end I think it was one of my downfalls, but I think I did well. The fun and amazing part of the day was at night U of U vs. TCU what an amazing game and I spent it with Stephanie, Macy, and Megan, which just made it even better. The best part of the game was the last 2 min of the game the score was TCU 10 U of U 6 and we were a whole field away from scoring TCU had failed to make 2 field goals which was just one miracle and then to make it down the whole field in under two minuets to score the winning touchdown as just amazing!
The last three days of the week I took the late train home where I was board and took a few pictures.

Then after getting home after the game I was starving and awake for some reason and so I had the weirdest late night snack(Macoroni and cheese pop tarts, apple sauce,grape juice, and chips, and since I was awake I cleaned the white board and wrote on it which made my night.

Friday night was great because me and stephanie went out to eat at a italian restaraunt where I actidentally bought a salad because I suck at speaking up but my chicken callsoni was delicous, we then met an awesome homeless guy his name was Dave Butterfield and just a happy/funny guy to talk to. Saturday was just a normal day where my mom helped me with my math and I hung with Vince and Eric til 5 in the morning (good times). So thats my week.